Piping formula

How to find piping elbow degree Degree boundary area| Degree boundary area pipe erection

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Degree pipe calculation

Degree boundary area pipe erection

How to find piping elbow degree Degree boundary area

Field Measurement Degree Pipe

Piping elbow degree check with layout

 How to find piping elbow degree Degree boundary area| Degree boundary area pipe erection

How to calculation elbow degree

जिस तरह से पाइप लाइन जा रहा है सेम पाइप के सेंटर में लाइनडोरी मारे जैसे जैसे पाइप जा रहा है

जिस तरह से मेजरमेंट लिया गया है वैसे ही मेजरमेंट लेना है

The way the pipe line is going, tie a line string in the center of the same pipe as the pipe is going

The measurement has to be taken in the same manner as it was taken

Main pipe center to center measurements are to be taken

मेन पाइप सेण्टर टू सेंटर माप लेना हैं  जैसे  10000 mm and 2680 mm

tan inverse   tan-1( 2680 ÷ 10000 = 15° degree

यह पाइप अगर डिग्री नहीं होता तो दोनों एल्बो 90 डिग्री का होता

If this pipe was not degree then both the elbows would have been 90 degrees.

लाइन डिग्री में होने के वजह से एक एल्बो में 15 डिग्री + हो जाएगा

और एक एल्बो में 15 डिग्री –  माइनस हो जायगा

Due to the line being in degrees, one elbow will be +15 degrees and the other elbow will be minus 15 degrees

90 degree + 15°  = 105 degree

90 degree – 15° = 75 degree

105 डिग्री एल्बो के लिए 2 एल्बो लेना होगा एक 90 डिग्री और एक 15 डिग्री एल्बो

For 105 degree elbow, you will need 2 elbows, one 90 degree and one 15 degree elbow.

How to find piping elbow degree Degree boundary area| Degree boundary area pipe erection

अगर आप इस तरह से एल्बो डिग्री चेक करना चाहते है राइट इंगले के जरिये अय्से भी कर सकते है

If you want to check elbow degree in this way, you can also do it using your right elbow

जैसे राइट ऐंगिल लगाया गया है वैसे ही लगाय

Installed in the same manner as the right angle has been installed.

और A डीमेंशन और B डीमेंशन चेक करें

And check A dimension and B dimension


A — 400 mm

B — 107 mm

Use tan inverse   tan-1( 107 ÷ 400 = 15° degree

90 degree + 15°  = 105 degree

How to find elbow degree with layout

Check dimention A  B  with right angle

Marking sem layout  A and B and draw C degree line

Piping elbow degree check with layout

Elbow degree calculation

Marking pipe center line and drow layout first 90 degree elbow with right angel

And check dimensions A  and B

A 400   B 107

Use tan inverse   tan-1( 107 ÷ 400 = 15° degree

Piping elbow degree check with layout

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